Easily analyze your site with these 5 website analysis tools

Analyzing in general means breaking an issue down into smaller sections to better understand it.

To succeed in anything, we need to look behind us from time to time and examine our performance in the past. Having an online and affiliate business is no exception to this rule and requires analysis. But you may be wondering how we can analyze our website in the virtual world.

What is site analysis and what is its benefit?

Analyzing in general means breaking an issue down into smaller sections to better understand it. Website Analysis is the measurement, collection, and reporting of data and information. This is done with the aim of understanding and optimizing what has been said.

If you know what SEO status analysis is , you can have a dedicated analysis of site optimization performance. As a result of all these analyzes, you become aware of your site’s position in search engines and its rating. You will also learn about methods that help improve the overall condition of the site and how users will view your website.

Get acquainted (gain, obtain) with present-day techniques that came from Website Analysis

There are many different tools in the field of site analysis. In the following, we will introduce you to some of the most important ones.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console, formerly Google Webmaster Tools, helps you monitor the performance of your site. With this website analysis tool, you get a general report of the amount of site traffic. Other features of Google Webmaster Tools include:

  • Ability to SEO content based on the terms used by users
  • Analyze the type of indexing of pages
  • Analysis of internal and external links
  • Check Google Penalties

Special offer: How to Track Website Traffic Using Google Analytics

Another professional site analysis tool is Google Analytics. The following are analyzed using this tool:

  • Number of site inputs
  • Duration of users’ presence on the site
  • How users log in (direct, referral or search)
  •  Bounce rate
  • Provide information about users’ whereabouts
  • Exchange rate


One of the most widely used tools to help you analyze your website is Woorank. In this tool, there is a circular counter and 3 analyzers with different colors (green, yellow and red), each of which has its own meaning.

  • The number shown in the counter circle is the percentage of items observed in Google.
  • The green icon is one of the positives that you have observed well in your site.
  • Yellow icons are items that need to be improved and reviewed.
  • The red icon indicates the mistakes you have made in SEO and should be corrected as soon as possible.

Using the information that this tool provides you, you can easily evaluate your performance and identify the strengths and weaknesses of your site.


If you want to know more about competitors and their performance, we suggest you use this website analysis tool. Using SEMrush, you will get information such as the following:

  • The difficulty of keywords
  • Recognize the top competitors
  • Identify related keywords
  • Analyzing the activity of competitors in click advertising

Site Auditor

Usually, site analysts use Site Auditor to analyze site performance and learn about SEO errors. The tool works by sending crawlers to the site pages to check for broken links, metadata, content and images, semantic structure, and more, and to notify those that need improvement. Site Auditor analysis is as follows:

  • Detailed performance report of the site
  • Solve SEO problems
  • Follow the steps taken to optimize and troubleshoot
  • Check site security

Similar Web

One of the site’s data mining and competition analysis companies is Similar Web, which provides detailed information about different sites and a comprehensive overview of the marketing strategies of your site. This software does this using data extracted from 4 main sources:

  1. A panel of anonymous web browsers equipped with examples of apps, updated placements, and desktop extensions.
  2. Local and global ISPs and data partnerships
  3. Site traffic that is measured directly from the educational collection of selected websites and apps.
  4. A clone of web browsers that scans the entire web and app stores.

In addition to what has been mentioned, the following are some of the variables in the analysis of this tool:

  • Estimation of visitors on a monthly basis
  • The average amount of time visitors spend on different channels.
  • Jump rate
  • Average views per visitor
  • Percentage of traffic from different channels
  • Top Reference Sites
  • Banners used for display advertising
  • Keywords that generate natural traffic
  • Keywords that generate real website traffic
  • Audience tendencies

You do not have to pay for all the services mentioned, but if you receive the information without becoming a special member, they will not be complete. Therefore, in order to access the complete data, it is necessary to purchase a premium subscription for a specified fee.


One of the tools used to understand the behavior of site visitors is Quantcast. Its main purpose is to collect data on user characteristics. By placing tags on sites, blogs, videos, and widgets and software, it determines information such as the age of the audience, gender, needs, and the amount of interaction with different types of content. Using a tracking code on your site, you can use Quantcast to generate your data.


One of the most popular and of course the most popular website analysis tools used to monitor SEO and content marketing and social media campaigns is Maze. With it, you can focus on ranking your keywords to know how successful your SEO strategy is.

Maze is a great tool for monitoring keyword rankings. It should be noted that using this tool, it is not possible to track the ranking of your competitors’ search engine. So, most webmasters use tools like smash and the like to analyze their competitors.


One of the oldest tools for site analysis is Alexa. The rankings of this tool primarily follow a set of Alexa rank traffic patterns, and its users typically use browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chrome. The Alexa toolbar includes a pop-up blocker, a search box, links to reputable sites such as Amazon, the home page, and the ranking of the site the user is visiting. This toolbar gives users the opportunity to rank the site and identify links made to external sites. The information that Alexa provides is less than Webmail, but it is very accurate and reliable.

Final conclusion

In this article, we will introduce you to some website analysis tools. In addition to the above, there are many other tools that can help you in this area that you can find with a little searching. Tools such as:

  1. Google page insight
  2.  GT metrix
  3. Ahref
  4. Google Structured Data Testing Tools are also some of the website analysis tools that you can use in this field.

If you want to succeed in your online business, you must not neglect to analyze the site as your store. This will help you evaluate your performance and find out what stage of success you are at and how close you are to your goals. Using site analysis, you will find its strengths and weaknesses and try to solve problems. What tools do you usually use to analyze the performance and improve the status of your website? Share your great comments with us.

Input-Output Training (I / O) in C Programming

In this C programming tutorial, with the help of various examples, you will get acquainted with the scanf () function to get the input value from the user and the printf () function to display to the user at the output.

Output in C language

In C programming, the printf () function is one of the main output functions. This function sends the formatted output to the screen.

Example 1: Output in C

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()


// Displays the string in parentheses

printf (“C Programming”);

return 0;



C Programming

How does this program work?

  • All valid C programs must contain the main () function. Code execution starts from this function.
  • printf () is a library function for sending formatted output to the screen. Here it prints the string inside the quotation marks (“C Programming”).
  • To use the printf () function, you must enter the stdio.h header file into the program using the <include <stdio.h # command.
  • The command; return 0 is inside the main () function “exit status” of the program. This is optional

Example 2: Integer output

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()


int testInteger = 5;

printf (“Number =% d”, testInteger);

return 0;



Number = 5

D% formatting is used to print int types. Here d% inside the quotation marks is replaced by the value of the testInteger variable.

Example 3: float and double output

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()


float number1 = 13.5;

double number2 = 12.4;

printf (“number1 =% f \ n”, number1);

printf (“number2 =% lf”, number2);

return 0;



number1 = 13.500000

number2 = 12.400000

The format f% is used for float printing and lf% is used for double values.

Example 4: Character printing

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()


char chr = ‘a’;

printf (“character =% c”, chr);

return 0;



character = a

The c% format is used to print the char variable.

Input in C language

In C programming, the scanf () function is one of the most common functions for getting input from a user. This function reads the value of the formatted input from a standard input such as a keyboard.

Example 5: Input and output integers

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()


int testInteger;

printf (“Enter an integer:”);

scanf (“% d”, & testInteger);

printf (“Number =% d”, testInteger);

return 0;



Enter an integer: 4

Number = 4

In this example, the% d formatting in the scanf () function is used to specify the type of int input from the user. When the user enters an integer, that value will be stored in the testInteger variable.

Note that testInteger & is used in the scanf () function. Because testInteger & gives the address of the testInteger variable and the value entered by the user is stored in this address.

Example 6: Float and Double input and output

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()


float num1;

double num2;

printf (“Enter a number:”);

scanf (“% f”, & num1);

printf (“Enter another number:”);

scanf (“% lf”, & num2);

printf (“num1 =% f \ n”, num1);

printf (“num2 =% lf”, num2);

return 0;



Enter a number: 12,523

Enter another number: 10.2

num1 = 12.523000

num2 = 10.200000

The templates f% and lf% for float and double are used, respectively.

Example 7: Character input and output in C.

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()


char chr;

printf (“Enter a character:”);

scanf (“% c”, & chr);

printf (“You entered% c.”, chr);

return 0;



Enter a character: g

You entered g.

In this program, when the user enters a character value, the character itself will not be saved, but an correct value or ASCII (ASCII) code will be saved.

The c% text format is also used to display the character. If you use d% to display the character, its ASCII value will be printed.

Example 8: Display the ASCII value

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()


char chr;

printf (“Enter a character:”);

scanf (“% c”, & chr);

// Character is displayed% c with formatting

printf (“You entered% c. \ n”, chr);

// ASCII value% d is displayed with formatting

printf (“ASCII value is% d. ”, Chr);

return 0;



Enter a character: g

You entered g.

ASCII value is 103.

Multiple inputs / outputs

The following program shows how to receive multiple inputs from the user and display them in the output.

#include <stdio.h>

int main ()


int a;

float b;

printf (“Enter integer and then a float:”);

// Receive multiple input values ​​from the user

scanf (“% d% f”, & a, & b);

printf (“You entered% d and% f”, a, b);

return 0;



Enter integer and then a float: -3


You entered -3 and 3.400000

Formats for input / output (I / O)

The following table lists common data types in C and their formatting:

Formattingdata type
% dint
% cchar
% ffloat
% lfdouble
% hdshort int
% uunsigned int
% lilong int
% llilong long int
% luunsigned long int
% lluunsigned long long int
% csigned char
% cunsigned char
% Lflong double

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